Structured Mediation

Creating Structure

Through the use of Structured Mediation, Attorney Foodman attempts to equalize each Party’s ability to participate in the mediation process by creating level playing field where each is informed and capable of advocating for their specific needs.

Great Results Through Mediation

Attorney Foodman is firm believer in the efficacy of alternative dispute resolution in Family Law cases, both for divorce and issues arising after a divorce. The fact is that “Structured Mediation” often produces results that are more fair, cost effective and far less intrusive in terms of the harmful effects on families, particularly where parents must actively cooperate to raise children. While not every Family Law matter is appropriate for Mediation a great many are, and the processes, if handled correctly, can yield great results.


A Paradigm for Settlement

Structured Mediation is an alternative to often used mediation techniques where the Parties are left on their own to figure out what a fair settlement entails; with the mediator serving only to direct conversations when conflict or disagreement occurs. In many mediation environments there is an underlying belief that any agreement, as long as both parties’ consent is fair and equitable.  Such an approach often times empowers a party who is in a position of strength; by virtue of knowledge or family dynamic to negotiate a settlement detrimental to the other party.

Commitment to Creating Supportive Environments

By contrast, in a Structured Mediation, the mediator provides a framework or structure within which the mediation proceeds.  The framework includes mechanisms for identifying pertinent issues, a timeline for full financial disclosure, assistance with preparing accurate financial disclosures, recognition of how the Courts treat various issues and the creation of an atmosphere where the Parties can openly discuss their expectations with respect to post judgment parenting. The purpose of Structured Mediation is to empower each Party by insuring they are informed and knowledgeable about their various options.  Such a structure results in better informed; more equitable results.
